"All profits from this pin will be donated to Sayoni to uphold human rights protection for queer women."
The original concept of the RAINBOW SCORECARD REVIEW REPORT is by Sayoni with the intentions to hold political parties accountable beginning during the 2011 General Elections.
The SG Rainbow Scorecard Pin was designed to spread awareness about the political parties stance in Singapore's General Election. It is designed with a cute face that reads "I have a secret I can' tell you", much similar to some of the politician's stance on LGBTQ+ issues. It is often considered a taboo topic to discuss as Singapore is still a rather conservative society. A report found that all political parties were unresponsive or non-committal when questioned about positions on LGBTQ issues.
The Rainbow Scorecard ranked specific politicians based on 4 criteria:
1. Engagement with LGBT groups
2. Affirmative inclusion of LGBTQ issues (consistency and frequency)
3. Advocate for non-discrimination/non-violence towards LGBTQ
4. Demonstrates awareness of LGBTQ specific challenges
Wear this cute Rainbow Scorecard Pin to show your support and spread awareness of Singapore's political landscape.
[Product Details]
Dimension: 23mm x 23mm x 9mm (LxWxH)
Material: Brass Metal, Hard Enamel
Backing: 2x Pinback with Rubber Clasp
Stay Proud, Stay Happy!
- With Love from Proud Zebra