An open letter to our customers, clients, supporters, and viewers.
Firstly, we want to thank you for your business whether you are a customer, client, stockist, distributor, or anyone who supports us. We are a young, small business that is still working hard to build a name for ourselves so all your support - even in the smallest ways - are truly and sincerely appreciated greatly.
Secondly, we hope to take this opportunity to remind everyone that all our designs are proprietary and protected under copyright laws everywhere in the world. When you purchase our products, or view our product catalogues, you do not acquire the right to copy or otherwise reproduce any designs. In doing so without an appropriate license from us it is considered illegal and will be subjected to civil damages of up to $150,000 per infringement. Additionally, criminal copyright infringement will be investigated by federal law enforcement agencies and is punishable up to 5 years imprisonment and a fine of $250,000.
We appreciate your support, and your respect for all of our intellectual property. With your support, we hope to continue providing the highest quality pride products and customer service to you. If you have also seen our products replicated anywhere, kindly reach out to us at and let us know!
Stay Proud, Stay Happy,
Founders of Proud Zebra
Delwin & Jimmy